Sunday, November 8, 2009

Auction Houses Fredericton How Can I Find Baseball Memorabilia Collectors Or Auction Houses In Japan?

How can I find baseball memorabilia collectors or auction houses in Japan? - auction houses fredericton

I will help you find someone to sign a buyer in Japan for an amendment to the 1922 Babe Ruth's Yankee Contract of Babe Ruth. After Babe Ruth started drinking too much and womanizing and showing too late to tell the owners of the practice changed his contract that would, if not better, throwing the team. The man who is in possession of this single contract, asked me to help find a buyer in Japan. He opposes the sale on eBay or the United States is very specific and want to sell in Japan. Please help. It gives me a lot of money if I help find a buyer because it could be useful to be able to increase to $ 250,000.

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